Wednesday 10 January 2018


…thoughtfulness of a metaphorical father
Today, I was approached by my first born son Dee not David concerning the unusual Sunday of family worship in place of the usual gatherings. “Dad, why aren’t we preparing for church today as we always do on Sundays?” asked Bro Son also called Dee not David.
I asked the boy to seat down with me. As we sat on the couch – he looked at me straight in the eyes as I explained the situation at hand. ‘Listen Bro Son’ I started. In life there comes a time when the country is in a crisis that doesn’t only affect the individuals but also the family and ultimately the nation as a whole.
He attentively listened as I pointed out to some items in the news bulletin we monitored last night, reporting on the cholera situation in the country. ‘This situation is not hopeless, son!’ I added much to his consolation thus loosened his face.
‘Dad, what about school?’ he asked. Last week I told Bro Son that he won’t report for school this month as the Ministry of Health, General and Higher Education deferred opening of schools at primary, secondary and tertiary levels nationwide to avoid further spread of the epidemic especially including the unaffected places.
The boy likes mangoes. I told him that he will not eat mangoes for now since our supplier is not allowed to do his usual business. Again he tied his face. “It’s for our good, son!” I emphasized.
“But what is this cholera, daddy?” he asked.
I quickly became serious to explain to my son. I told him that Cholera is a disease that is causes a lot of watery diarrhea (Cloudy rice water) and vomiting. This leads to rapid loss of water and salts from the body (dehydration). Cholera can caused death from dehydration.
Bro Son doesn’t get tired of asking questions. He further asked how cholera is spread – so I explained that Cholera germs feaces and vomits of an infected person. Cholera is spread when faeces from an infected person get into the water people drink or the food people eat. In addition, when it is spread when a person takes care of another who has the disease and they do not observe strict hygiene.
It is also spread through handshake with a person who has cholera germs on their hands.
The signs and symptoms of cholera are; severe vomiting, severe watery diarrhea (cloudy rice water), feeling body weakness, dehydration – with or without stomach pains.
Bro Dee quickly washed his hands and refused to shake my hand after the chat.
Beloved, adhere to hygiene standards at all cost. Remember, it is a better year.

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